1. As a member, of Undergrad Accelerator once a month you'll be invited to a new and LIVE online training where I'll hop on the video to teach you a new skill, that you won't learn in school, but your business NEEDS to survive in this social media world!
2. Live Q&A included in every live training. You will have the opportunity to ask my team or me personal questions in that chat.
3. 24/7 Access to the live training. If you miss the chat or want to access them at a later time your able to log into your account and watch them on your own schedule.
4. Every month, we will have Spectacular or a guest speaker from the industry that includes influencers, entrepreneurs, and much more! I am talking about influencers with millions of followers, entrepreneurs with fortune 500 companies, and millionaires that charge more than the cost of this membership to learn from them just once.
5. You'll have exclusive access to our private Facebook Group that provides ongoing support from our internal staff and other like-minded entrepreneurs. Remember, you are the average of the 5 people you hang out with the most - so why not hang out with the world's most "Spectacular" entrepreneurs and influencers.